Visit to SIMTech Innovation Factory

The featured speakers / panellists were Dr John Yong from SIMTech, Peter Tay from IPI and Eugene Goh from JM Vistec.

The presentations and panel discussion, a highlight of the visit, featured experts and industry leaders who shared insights and success stories related to their experiences with the Innovation. They emphasized the benefits of utilizing the available resources and highlighted the positive impact on business growth and competitiveness.

Visitors were greeted by a knowledgeable and enthusiastic team who guided them through the state-of-the-art facilities. They showcased cutting-edge technologies, advanced equipment, and specialized tools that enable companies to accelerate their innovation journey. From prototyping and testing to manufacturing and commercialization, the Innovation Factory demonstrated its ability to support various stages of product development.

By the end of the visit, participants were left with a clearer understanding of the Innovation Factory’s comprehensive suite of capabilities and the potential value it could bring to their own innovation processes. The event enabled them to forge connections with industry experts and like-minded peers, fostering a collaborative ecosystem that supports ongoing innovation and growth in their respective fields.